Educational Answers

Educational Trivia Answers WORK IN PROGRESS

Advanced Spelling Trivia:
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: autochthonous
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: Czechoslovakia
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: elucubrate
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: esquamulose
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: eudaemonic
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: euonym
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: insouciant
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: Laodicean
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: logorrhea
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: Presbyterian
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: prospicience
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: smaragdine
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: spoliator
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: vivisepulture

American Presidents Trivia:
Who was the 1st president of the United States? Answer:  George Washington
Who was the 2nd president of the United States? Answer: John Adams
Who was the 3rd president of the United States? Answer: Thomas Jefferson
Who was the 4th president of the United States? Answer: James Madison
Who was the 5th president of the United States? Answer: James Monroe
Who was the 6th president of the United States? Answer: John Quincy Adams
Who was the 7th president of the United States? Answer: Andrew Jackson
Who was the 8th president of the United States? Answer: Martin Van Buren
Who was the 9th president of the United States? Answer: William Henry Harrison
Who was the 10th president of the United States? Answer: John Tyler
Who was the 11th president of the United States? Answer: James K. Polk
Who was the 12th president of the United States? Answer: Zachary Taylor
Who was the 13th president of the United States? Answer: Millard Fillmore
Who was the 14th president of the United States? Answer: Franklin Pierce
Who was the 15th president of the United States? Answer: James Buchanan
Who was the 16th president of the United States? Answer: Abraham Lincoln
Who was the 17th president of the United States? Answer: Andrew Johnson
Who was the 18th president of the United States? Answer: Ulysses S. Grant
Who was the 19th president of the United States? Answer: Rutherford B. Hayes
Who was the 20th president of the United States? Answer: James A. Garfield
Who was the 21st president of the United States? Answer: Chester A. Arthur
Who was the 22nd president of the United States? Answer: Grover Cleveland
Who was the 23rd president of the United States? Answer: Benjamin Harrison
Who was the 24th president of the United States? Answer: Grover Cleveland
Who was the 25th president of the United States? Answer: William McKinley
Who was the 26th president of the United States? Answer: Theodore Roosevelt
Who was the 27th president of the United States? Answer: William Howard Taft
Who was the 28th president of the United States? Answer: Woodrow Wilson
Who was the 29th president of the United States? Answer: Warren G. Harding
Who was the 30th president of the United States? Answer: Calvin Coolidge
Who was the 31st president of the United States? Answer: Herbert Hoover
Who was the 32nd president of the United States? Answer: Franklin D. Roosevelt
Who was the 33rd president of the United States? Answer: Harry S. Truman
Who was the 34th president of the United States? Answer: Dwight D. Eisenhower
Who was the 35th president of the United States? Answer: John F. Kennedy
Who was the 36th president of the United States? Answer: Lyndon B. Johnson
Who was the 37th president of the United States? Answer: Richard Nixon
Who was the 38th president of the United States? Answer: Gerald Ford
Who was the 39th president of the United States? Answer: Jimmy Carter
Who was the 40th president of the United States? Answer: Ronald Reagan
Who was the 41st president of the United States? Answer: George W. H. Bush
Who was the 42nd president of the United States? Answer: Bill Clinton
Who was the 43rd president of the United States? Answer: George W. Bush
Who was the 44th president of the United States? Answer: Barack Obama

Ancient Egypt Trivia:
A Pharaoh never let his ______ be seen. Answer: Hair
Because they believed in ________, ancient Egyptians mummified bodies. Answer: the afterlife
How many pyramids have been discovered in Egypt so far? Answer: Over 130
Roughly how many different deities did the Ancient Egyptians believe in? Answer: More than 2,000
The Ancient Egyptians were the first civilization to invent __________. Answer: Writing
The Egyptian alphabet consisted of more than ______ hieroglyphs. Answer: 700
The famous Great Sphinx is missing what part? Answer: Nose
What did Ancient Egyptians believe made the Nile River overflow every year? Answers: The tears of Isis
What is the largest pyramid in Egypt? Answer: Pyramid of Khufu
What is the name of the most popular board game developed by Ancient Egyptians? Answer: Senet
What type of animal did Ancient Egypt not typically keep as a pet? Answer: Hippo
When did the Ancient Egyptian Empire begin to weaken? Answer: 700 BC
Which empire was the first to conquer the Ancient Egyptians? Answer: Assyrian Empire
Which is not considered a phase of the Ancient Egyptian society? Answer: Glorious Kingdom
Which of the following was a calendar not followed by the Ancient Egyptians? Answer: Animal Calendar
Which of these animals considered sacred by Ancient Egyptians? Answer: Cat
Who is considered to be the first Pharaoh of Egypt? Answer: King Menes
Who is considered to be the most important Egyptian god? Answer: Ra

Apollo Missions Trivia:
In which mission did an astronaut perform a golf shot on the moon? Answer: Apollo 14
This Apollo mission never launched and ended in tragedy, when a fire erupted in the command module during a test and killed three astronauts. Answer: Apollo 1
Which astronaut was not present on the Apollo 11 mission? Answer: Cernan
Which mission cancelled their landing on the moon due to technical problems? Answer: Apollo 13
Which mission conducted the first manned flight test of the Lunar Module? Answer: Apollo 9
Which mission had a SM oxygen tank explode, which caused many problems? Answer: Apollo 13
Which mission had two lightning strikes to the spacecraft during launch? Answer: Apollo 12
Which mission provided the first color video images from the surface of the moon? Answer: Apollo 14
Which mission sent broadcasted some of the first live television pictures from space? Answer: Apollo 8
Which mission used the Lunar RV for the first time? Answer: Apollo 15
Which mission was considered a "dress rehearsal" for a lunar landing? Answer: Apollo 10
Which mission was the first manned Apollo flight? Answer: Apollo 7
Which mission was the first manned circumlunar flight? Answer: Apollo 8
Which mission was the first manned landing on the moon? Answer: Apollo 11
Which mission was the first night launch? Answer: Apollo 17
Which was the last Apollo mission? Answer: Apollo 17

Big Cats Trivia:
A cheetah can run up to speeds of ____ miles an hour. Answer: 70
Big cats are ________. Answer: Carnivores
How far can a lions's roar be heard from? Answer: 5 miles
One common way to determine what is considered a big cat, is a feline that can ________. Answer: Roar
The main threat to big cats are ___________. Answer: poaching and habitat destruction
Tigers are often poached for their parts, used in traditional ________ medicine. Answer: Chinese
Which big cat is in the genus Acinonyx? Answer: Cheetah
Which big cat is in the genus Puma? Answer: Cougar
Which big cat is in the genus Uncia? Answer: Snow Leopard
Which big cat is named from the Native American word meaning "he who kills with one leap"? Answer: Jaguar
Which big cat is not in the genus Panthera? Answer: Cheetah
Which is the best climber of all the big cats? Answer: Leopard
Which is the most endangered big cat? Answer: Amur Leopard
Which is the only big cat that lives in groups? Answer: Lion
Which of the following is not a criteria for an accredited US Fish & Wildlife Service animal sanctuary? Answer: Must provide enrichment activities for big cats
Which of the following is not considered a big cat? Answer: Bobcat
Which of these big cats is an excellent swimmer who loves water? Answer: Tiger
Which of these big cats purrs instead of roars? Answer: Cheetah
Which of these lions are recently extinct? Answer: Barbary Lion
Which type of tiger is extinct? Answer: Caspian Tiger

Book Quotes Trivia:
"Call me Ishmael." Answer: Moby Dick
"I have been bent and broken, but - I hope - into a better shape." Answer: Great Expectations
"I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning how to sail my ship." Answer: Little Women
"In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart" Answer: The Diary of Anne Frank
"It was a pleasure to burn." Answer: Farenheit 451
"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel." Answer: Neuromancer
"You don't know about me without you have read a book by the name of 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer'; but that ain't no matter. That book was made by a Mr Mark Twain, and he told the truth, mainly.� Answer: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
�All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others� Answer: Animal Farm
�All grown-ups were once children�but only few of them remember it." Answer: The Little Prince
�Anything worth dying for is certainly worth living for.� Answer: Catch-22
�Don�t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.� Answer: The Catcher in the Rye
�I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It�s when you know you�re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.� Answer: To Kill a Mockingbird
�I was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous.� Answer: Frankenstein
�It is to the credit of human nature that, except where its selfishness is brought into play, it loves more readily than it hates.� Answer: The Scarlet Letter
�Most people were heartless about turtles because a turtle�s heart will beat for hours after it has been cut up and butchered. But the old man thought, I have such a heart too.� Answer: The Old Man and the Sea
�Not all those who wander are lost.� Answer: The Lord of the Rings

Chemical Elements Trivia:
Most of the earth's atmosphere consists of this gas. Answer: N
The symbol 'Au' refers to which chemical element? Answer: Gold
The symbol 'Co' refers to which chemical element? Answer: Cobalt
The symbol 'Cu' refers to which chemical element? Answer: Copper
The symbol 'F' refers to which chemical element? Answer: Fluorine
The symbol 'H' refers to which chemical element? Answer: Hydrogen
The symbol 'Pb' refers to which chemical element? Answer: Lead
The symbol 'S' refers to which chemical element? Answer: Sulfur
This element give plants the energy they need to grow. Answer: P
This element is the building block of life. Answer: C
This element was discovered by Hans Christian Oersted in 1825. Answer Al
This element was discovered by Joseph Priestly and Carl Scheele in 1774. Answer: O
This element was discovered in 1808. Answer: B
This element when combined with Chlorine makes table salt. Answer: Na
What is the symbol for Potassium? Answer: K
Which element has a reddish color in a gas and liquid state? Answer: Br
Which element has a silver-gray appearance? Answer: Zn
Which of these elements is considered a Metal. Answer: Fe
Which of these elements is NOT considered a Metalloid. Answer: Sn
Which of these elements is NOT considered a Noble Gas. Answer: H

Constellations Trivia:
Aquila is a constellation named after what bird? Answer: Eagle
Cancer is a constellation in the shape of what animal? Answer: Crab
Canis Major is otherwise known as the Great _____. Answer: Dog
Capricornus is in the shape of what mythical animal? Answer: Sea-Goat
The Auriga constellation is in the shape of a __________. Answer: Charioteer
The constellation Cygnus is in the shape of what bird? Answer: Swan
The constellation Libra represents a ___________. Answer: Balance Scale
The Gemini constellation represents _______. Answer: Twins
The Lyra constellation is in the shape of a what? Answer: Harp
This bright star in Auriga is yellow like our sun. Answer: Capella
What is the brightest star in Cygnus? Answer: Deneb
What is the brightest star in the Aquila constellation? Answer: Altair
What is the brightest star in the Leo constellation? Answer: Regulus
What is the brightest star in the Lyra constellation? Answer: Vega
What is the brightest star in the Pegasus constellation? Answer: Markab
What shape marks the Pegasus constellation? Answer: Great Square
Which constellation can you find M44 or the "Beehive Cluster" in? Answer: Cancer
Which constellation holds the brightest star in the north sky? Answer: Canis Major
Which is the brightest star in the Aries constellation? Answer: Hamal
Which is the brightest star in the Canis Major constellation? Answer: Sirius

Dinosaur Trivia:
Dinosaurs belonged to which group of animals? Answer: Reptiles
In what era did dinosaurs live? Answer: Mesozoic
In what period did the Coelophysis live? Answer: Late Triassic
In what period did the Diplodocus live? Answer: Late Jurassic
In what period did the Stegosaurus live? Answer: Late Jurassic
In what period did the Triceratops live? Answer: Late Cretaceous
In what period did the Tyrannosaurus live? Answer: Late Cretaceous
The largest dinosaurs were __________________. Answer: Sauropods
What caused the extinction of dinosaurs according to scientists? Answer: Scientists are not 100% sure. There is still heavy debate.
What does the name 'Triceratops' mean? Answer: three-horned face
What does the word 'dinosaur' mean? Answer: Terrible Lizard
What profession studies dinosaur fossils? Answer: Paleontologist
When did dinosaurs become extinct? Answer: 65 million years ago
Which carnivorous dinosaur had teeth up to 8 inches long? Answer: Tyrannosaurus
Which dinosaur had a long neck to help reach high and low vegetation? Answer: Diplodocus
Which dinosaur had hollow limb bones? Answer: Coelophysis
Which dinosaur most closely resembles a rhinoceros? Answer: Triceratops
Which of the following was not a flying reptile? Answer: Stegosaurus
Which of these is not a dinosaur? Answer: Pterodactyl
Who coined the term 'dinosauria?' Answer: Sir Richard Owen

Early American History Trivia:
11 Southern states succeeded from the union in 1860 to form the _________ States of America. Answer: Confederate
Francis Scott Key wrote which famous piece of American history? Answer: The Star Spangled Banner
How long did the Civil War last? Answer: Four Years
Most of the original American settlers were from what country? Answer: England
President Thomas Jefferson made what large purchase to buy American a lot of new territory? Answer: Louisiana Purchase
The American Revolution was against the ________, the English army. Answer: Red Coats
This famous American colony is in modern Massachusetts. Answer: Plymouth
This famous display against England's taxation threw a luxury item into the sea. Answer: Boston Tea Party
What year did the British surrender in the American Revolution? Answer: 1781
What year was the Declaration of Independence signed? Answer: 1776
Where was President Abraham Lincoln assassinated? Answer: The Theatre
Which early tax act made American settlers very angry pre-revolution? Answer: Stamp Act of 1765
Which natural resource was a large reason many Americans choose to journey westward in the 1800's? Answer: Gold
Which two amendments make up the Reconstruction Acts of 1867 and give African Americans additional freedoms? Answer: Fourteenth and Fifteenth
Who did the United States purchase Alaska from? Answer: Russia
Eleventh Grade Vocabulary Trivia:
Allegory Answer: a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms
Ambiguity Answer: doubtfulness or uncertainty of meaning or intention
Anecdote Answer: a short account of a particular incident or event of an interesting or amusing nature, often biographical.
Annotated Answer: supplied with or containing explanatory notes and textual comments
Assuage Answer: to relieve or soothe
Auspicious Answer: favorable, noteworthy
Buoyancy Answer: the power to float or rise in a fluid, the upward pressure exerted by the fluid in which a body is immersed
Conceit Answer: an excessively favorable opinion of one's own ability, importance or wit
Conspicuous Answer: noticeable, obvious
Denotation Answer: a word that names or signifies something specific
Discern Answer: to regognize the diferrence
Enigma Answer: a mystery
Euphemism Answer: the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt
Principle Answer: a fundamental, primary, or general law or truth from which others are derived
Procure Answer: to obtain
Quandary Answer: a state of perplexity or uncertainty

English Punctuation Trivia:
A period is also used to __________ words. Answer: Abbreviate
A semi-colon is primarily used to: Answer: Join two connected sentences
An exclamation mark is often used to express what? Answer: Excitement
Three periods in a row are called _________. Answer: Ellipses
Where does the period go in a sentence? Answer: At the end
Which of the following is NOT a reason to use an exclamation mark (!) ? Answer: Boredom
Which sentence below uses a comma correctly? Answer: Before you begin, let us learn to play.
Which sentence below uses a comma correctly? Answer: I love to play video games, but they are hard.
Which sentence below uses a comma(s) correctly? Answer: Megan, who lives next door, loves dogs.
Which sentence correctly uses an apostrophe? Answer: The horse's tail is so pretty.
Which sentence uses a semi-colon correctly? Answer: I set out on a quest; the enemies looked fierce.
Which sentence uses quotation marks correctly? Answer: Sally said, "It's time to cook dinner."
Which date below uses a comma correctly? Answer: January 1st, 2014
Quotation marks are used to do what? Answer: Show speech
What is the apostrophe's main function? Answer: Show ownership or posession

Famous Art Trivia: W.I.P
Who painted this? Answer: Bruegel

Who painted this? Answer: Dali

Who painted this? Answer: Klimt

Who painted this? Answer: Leonardo

Who painted this? Answer: Leonardo

Who painted this? Answer: McNeill

Who painted this? Answer: Monet

Who painted this? Answer: Munch

Who painted this? Answer: Picasso

Who painted this? Answer: Rembrandt

Who painted this? Answer: Renoir

Who painted this? Answer: Rivera

Who painted this? Answer: Rousseau

Who painted this? Answer: Rubens

Who painted this? Answer: Seurat

Who painted this? Answer: Van Gogh

Who painted this? Answer: Vermeer

Who painted this? Answer: Wood


Famous Authors Trivia:
Who wrote 1984? Answer: George Orwell
Who wrote A Clockwork Orange? Answer: Anthony Burgess
Who wrote Animal Farm? Answer: George Orwell
Who wrote Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret? Answer: Judy Blume
Who wrote Atonement? Answer: Ian McEwan
Who wrote Beloved? Answer: Toni Morrison
Who wrote Catch-22? Answer: Joseph Heller
Who wrote Gone with the Wind? Answer: Margaret Mitchell
Who wrote Lolita? Answer: Vladimir Nabokov
Who wrote Lord of the Flies? Answer: William Golding
Who wrote Mrs. Dalloway? Answer: Virginia Woolf
Who wrote Never Let Me Go? Answer: Kazuo Ishiguro
Who wrote On the Road? Answer: Jack Kerouac
Who wrote Slaughterhouse-Five? Answer: Kurt Vonnegut
Who wrote The Catcher in the Rye? Answer: J.D. Salinger
Who wrote The Grapes of Wrath? Answer: John Steinbeck
Who wrote The Great Gatsby? Answer: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Who wrote The Heart is a Lonely Hunter? Answer: Carson McCullers
Who wrote The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe? Answer: C.S. Lewis
Who wrote The Lord of the Rings? Answer: J.R.R. Tolkien
Who wrote The Sound and the Fury? Answer: William Faulkner
Who wrote The Sun Also Rises? Answer: Ernest Hemingway
Who wrote Their Eyes Were Watching God? Answer: Zora Neale Hurston
Who wrote Things Fall Apart? Answer: Chinua Achebe
Who wrote To Kill a Mockingbird? Answer: Harper Lee
Who wrote Watchmen? Answer: Alan Moore

Famous Poets:
Who wrote "A Dream Within A Dream"? Answer: Edgar Allan Poe
Who wrote "A Girl"? Answer: Ezra Pound
Who wrote "Do Not Go Gentle To That Good Night"? Answer: Dylan Thomas
Who wrote "Funeral Blues"? Answer: W.H. Auden
Who Wrote "I Carry Your Heart With Me"? Answer: E.E. Cummings
Who wrote "If those I loved were lost"? Answer: Emily Dickinson
Who Wrote "If You Forget Me"? Answer: Pablo Neruda
Who wrote "Life is Fine"? Answer: Langston Hughes
Who wrote "Messy Room"? Answer: Shel Silverstein
Who wrote "Phenomenal Woman"? Answer: Maya Angelou
Who wrote "Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening"? Answer: Robert Frost
Who wrote "The Road Not Taken"? Answer: Robert Frost
Who wrote "There is Another Sky"? Answer: Emily Dickinson
Who wrote "To You"? Answer: Walt Whitman
Who wrote "Where the Sidewalk Ends"? Answer: Shel Silverstein

Famous World Leaders:
Abraham Lincoln is most famous for _____________. Answer: Working to end slavery in America
Akbar created a thriving empire through what modern country? Answer: India
Alexander the Great created ____________________. Answer: One of the largest empires in the ancient world
Chairman Mao led which government party to victory in China? Answer: Communism
Henry VIII wanted to remarry, which contributed to the creation of which religion? Answer: The Church of England
Joan of Arc fought bravely for what cause? Answer: French Independence
Julius Caesar was key in the expansion of the ___________. Answer: Roman Empire
King Henry VIII had how many wives? Answer: Six
Mahatma Gandhi devoted his life to what? Answer: Indian independence
Napoleon Bonaparte was the famous emperor of _______. Answer: France
Nelson Mandela ___________________ before becoming the first President of democratic South Africa in 1994? Answer: spent over 20 years in jail
Thomas Jefferson wrote which famous US document? Answer: The Declaration of Independence
What was Julius Caesar's motto? Answer: I came, I saw, I conquered
Who was Margaret Thatcher? Answer: British Prime Minister

Geometric Shapes Trivia: W.I.P
What is this shape called? Answer: Circle

What is this shape called? Answer: Crescent

What is this shape called? Answer: Curvilinear Triangle

What is this shape called? Answer: Heptagon

What is this shape called? Answer: Hexagon

What is this shape called? Answer: Kite

What is this shape called? Answer: Nonagon

What is this shape called? Answer: Octagon

What is this shape called? Answer: Oval

What is this shape called? Answer: Parallelogram

What is this shape called? Answer: Pentagon

What is this shape called? Answer: Quatrefoil

What is this shape called? Answer: Rectangle

What is this shape called? Answer: Rhombus

What is this shape called? Answer: Square

What is this shape called? Answer: Trapezium

What is this shape called? Answer: Trapezoid

What is this shape called? Answer: Triangle


Greek Mythology Trivia:
Which Greek god is the god of fertility and wine? Answer: Dionysus
Which Greek god is the god of fire and forge? Answer: Hephaestus
Which Greek god is the god of flocks and shepherds? Answer: Pan
Which Greek god is the god of love? Answer: Eros
Which Greek god is the god of music, healing, light and truth? Answer: Apollo
Which Greek god is the god of the sun? Answer: Helios
Which Greek god is the god of war? Answer: Ares
Which Greek god is the goddess of corn, grain and harvest? Answer: Demeter
Which Greek god is the goddess of discord? Answer: Eris
Which Greek god is the goddess of intelligence and the arts? Answer: Athena
Which Greek god is the goddess of love, desire and beauty? Answer: Aphrodite
Which Greek god is the goddess of marriage and childbirth? Answer: Hera
Which Greek god is the goddess of springtime? Answer: Persephone
Which Greek god is the goddess of youth? Answer: Hebe
Which Greek god is the lord of the underworld? Answer: Hades
Which Greek god is the personification of death? Answer: Thanatos
Which Greek god is the protector of all waters? Answer: Poseidon
Which Greek god is the ruler of the Olympian gods? Answer: Zeus

Habitats Trivia:
Animals in the desert have adopted a ___________ lifestyle to survive the heat. Answer: Nocturnal
How are freshwater lakes and rivers created? Answer: Streams high in the Mountains that flow down
The largest animal in the world, the blue whale, resides in which habitat? Answer: Ocean
What is a habitat? Answer: The natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism
What is the coldest habitat? Answer: Tundra
What is the habitat that has little rain and intense sunshine? Answer: Desert
What is the largest habitat on the planet? Answer: Ocean
What kind of a climate does a swamp have? Answer: Warm, wet, humid
What type of habitat can be found in all ranges of climate? Answer: Temperate Forests
What type of plant grows in the desert? Answer: Cactus
Which continent does NOT have Grasslands? Answer: Antarctica
Which habitat do animals have to withstand lower oxygen levels? Answer: Mountains
Which habitat has trees with needle shaped leaves? Answer: Coniferous Forest
Which habitat is found in tropical regions? Answer: Rainforest
Which is a large predator that lives in Coniferous Forests? Answer: Bear
Which of the following is NOT a habitat found on land? Answer: Coral Reef
Which of the following is NOT a habitat? Answer: Bottle
Which of the following is NOT part of the Ocean landscape? Answer: Hills

Heart Trivia:
How many chambers does a human heart have? Answer: 4
The heart beats approximately ____________ times each day. Answer: 100,000
What anatomical system is the heart a part of? Answer: Cardiovascular system
What blood vessel carries oxygen-rich blood to the body? Answer: Artery
What blood vessel returns oxygen-poor blood to the heart? Answer: Vein
What does the heart do? Answer: Pumps blood throughout the body
What does the heart pump? Answer: Blood
What is a normal resting heart rate for adults over the age 18? Answer: 60-100 bpm
What is a normal resting heart rate range for children? Answer: 70-100 bpm
What is the name of the largest artery in the body? Answer: Aorta
What tiny blood vessels transport blood from an artery to a vein? Answer: Capillaries
Where is the heart located? Answer: Chest
Which artery carries blood from the heart to the lungs? Answer: Pulmonary Artery
Which atrium receives oxygen-poor blood from the body? Answer: Right atrium
Which atrium receives oxygen-rich blood from the lungs? Answer: Left atrium
Which of the following is not a systemic artery? Answer: Pulmonary Artery
Which part of the heart allows blood to flow in only one direction? Answer: Valve
Which vein carries oxygen-rich blood to the heart from the lungs? Answer: Pulmonary Veins
Which ventricle pumps oxygen-rich blood to the body? Answer: Left ventricle
Which ventricle pumps oxygen-poor blood to the lungs? Answer: Right ventricle

Landforms Trivia:
Bayou, Gully, Marsh and Shoal are examples of what? Answer: Fluvial landforms
Caldera, Maar, Vent, and Tuya are examples of what? Answer: Volcanic landforms
Cave, Cenote, Karren and Mogote are examples of what? Answer: Karst landforms
Erosion landforms are caused by what? Answer: Weathering
Impact landforms are caused by ________________ impacts. Answer: Extraterrestrial
Lacustrine landforms are primarily filled with __________. Answer: Incoming sediment
What forms Aeolian landforms? Answer: Wind
Which of the following are not associated with fluvial landforms? Answer: Volcanoes
Which of the following is not considered a coastal landform? Answer: Yardang
Which of the following is not considered a fluvial landform? Answer: Sinkhole
Which of the following is not considered a karst landform? Answer: Valley
Which of the following is not considered a mountain or glacial landform? Answer: Oasis
Which of the following is not considered a slope landform? Answer: Pull apart basin
Which of the following is not considered a tectonic landform? Answer: Sinkhole
Which of the following is not considered an Aeolian landform? Answer: Sound
Which type of rock is not generally a cause for karst typography? Answer: Granite
Ninth Grade Vocabulary Trivia:
Abstract Answer: a concept or idea not associated with any specific instance
Advocate Answer: a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea
Belittle Answer: lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of
Censure Answer: harsh criticism or disapproval
Comply Answer: act in accordance with someone's rules, commands, or wishes
Deference Answer: a disposition or tendency to yield to the will of others
Eccentric Answer: a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities)
Facilitate Answer: make easier
Guile Answer: shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception
Heed Answer: paying particular notice (as to children or helpless people)
Inadvertent Answer: without intention (especially resulting from heedless action)
Mar Answer: a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person's body)
Parsimony Answer: extreme care in spending money
Recalcitrant Answer: marked by stubborn resistance to authority
Tangible Answer: possible to be treated as fact
Verbose Answer: using or containing too many words
Norse Mythology Trivia:
Baldr was the god of what? Answer: Beauty, innocence, peace and rebirth
Who was the first Norse god? Answer: Buri
Who was the god of dawn? Answer: Delling
Who was the god of inspiration? Answer: Kvasir
Who was the god of justice, peace and truth? Answer: Forseti
Who was the god of revenge? Answer: Vali
Who was the god of skiing, winter, hunting and dueling? Answer: Ullr
Who was the god of strength and son of Thor? Answer: Magni
Who was the god of the daytime? Answer: Dagr
Who was the god of war and the "All Father"? Answer: Odin
Who was the goddess of consolation and protection? Answer: Hlin
Who was the goddess of fertility and plough? Answer: Gefjun
Who was the goddess of healing? Answer: Eir
Who was the goddess of marriage and motherhood? Answer: Frigg
Who was the goddess of prudence? Answer: Snotra
Who was the goddess of the sun? Answer: Sol
Who was the goddess of wisdom? Answer: Vor
Who was the wife of Thor and goddess of the harvest? Answer: Sif

Primates Trivia:
Roughly how many species of primate does the IUCN recognize? Answer: 600
This primate hunts by tapping on trees and digging out insect larvae. Answer: Aye-aye
What is the largest living primate? Answer: Gorilla
What is the largest tree climbing mammal in the world? Answer: Orangutan
What is the largest type of monkey? Answer: Mandrill
What is the primary difference between monkeys and apes? Answer: Apes don't have tails
What is the smallest primate? Answer: Pygmy Mouse Lemur
Which continent are apes and monkeys not native to? Answer: North America
Which is the following is not considered a Promisian? Answer: Marmoset
Which of the following is not a type of Gorilla? Answer: Macaque
Which of the following is not a word used to describe a group of monkeys? Answer: Barrel
Which of the following is not considered a Great Ape? Answer: Gibbon
Which of these monkeys is not a new world monkey? Answer: Macauqe
Which of these monkeys is not an old world monkey? Answer: Marmoset
Which primate is easily recognized by their orange fur and very long arms? Answer: Orangutan
Why do howler monkeys howl? Answer: Defend their territory

Solar System Trivia:
Every object in our solar system revolves around the _______. Answer: Sun
How many planets are in our solar system? Answer: Eight
Jupiter has a ________ in its atmosphere but no solid surface. Answer: Hurricane
Mars is known as the _____ planet. Answer: Red
Saturn is famous for its ________ that rotate around it. Answer: Rings
Uranus has a _______ glow to it. Answer: Blue
Venus' atmosphere is primarily made up of what gas? Answer: Carbon Dioxide
What are comets made of? Answer: Dirty Ice
What is the correct term for Pluto? Answer: Dwarf Planet
What is the largest planet in the solar system? Answer: Jupiter
What man-made objects exist in our solar system? Answer: Satellites & Space Junk
What separates the inner and outer solar system? Answer: Band of asteroids
Which is the smallest planet in the solar system? Answer: Mercury
Which planet is closest to the sun? Answer: Mercury
Which planet is furthest from the sun? Answer: Neptune
Which two planets are Earth's "neighbors"? Answer: Venus & Mars

Spelling Trivia:
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: Abbreviate
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: Abyss
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: Accidentally
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: Aggressive
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: Anonymous
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: Australia
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: Bureaucratic
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: Camouflage
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: Connecticut
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: Connoisseur
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: Disappointed
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: February
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: Hygiene
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: Physique
Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: Wednesday

State Animals Trivia:
What is the state animal of California? Answer: Grizzly Bear
What is the state animal of Florida? Answer: Florida Panther
What is the state animal of Illinois? Answer: White-Tailed Deer
What is the state animal of Kansas? Answer: American Buffalo
What is the state animal of Missouri? Answer: Missouri Mule
What is the state animal of Nevada? Answer: Desert Bighorn Sheep
What is the state animal of New Jersey? Answer: Horse
What is the state animal of New Mexico? Answer: Black Bear
What is the state animal of Ohio? Answer: White-Tailed Deer
What is the state animal of Oregon? Answer: Beaver
What is the state animal of Pennsylvania? Answer: White-Tailed Deer
What is the state animal of South Carolina? Answer: White-Tailed Deer
What is the state animal of South Dakota? Answer: Coyote
What is the state animal of Utah? Answer: Rocky Mountain Elk
What is the state animal of Wisconsin? Answer: Badger
What is the state cat of Maine? Answer: Maine Coon Cat
What is the state cat of Maryland? Answer: Calico Cat
What is the state cat of Massachusetts? Answer: Tabby Cat
What is the state dog of Alaska? Answer: Alaskan Malamute
What is the state dog of Maryland? Answer: Chesapeake Bay Retriever
What is the state dog of Massachusetts? Answer: Boston Terrier
What is the state dog of South Carolina? Answer: Boykin Spaniel
What is the state dog of Texas? Answer: Blue Lacy
What is the state dog of Virginia? Answer: American Foxhound
What is the state dog of Wisconsin? Answer: American Water Spaniel
What is the state horse of Idaho? Answer: Appaloosa
What is the state horse of Maryland? Answer: Thoroughbred
What is the state horse of Massachusetts? Answer: Morgan Horse
What is the state horse of Missouri? Answer: Missouri Fox Trotting Horse
What is the state horse of North Carolina? Answer: Colonial Spanish Mustang
What is the state horse of Texas? Answer: Quarter Horse
What is the state land animal of Alaska? Answer: Moose
What is the state large mammal of Texas? Answer: Longhorn
What is the state mammal of Alabama? Answer: Black Bear
What is the state mammal of Arizona? Answer: Ringtail
What is the state mammal of Arkansas? Answer: White-Tailed Deer
What is the state mammal of Hawaii? Answer: Hawaiian Monk Seal
What is the state mammal of Louisiana? Answer: Black Bear
What is the state mammal of Nebraska? Answer: White-Tailed Deer
What is the state marine mammal of Alaska? Answer: Bowhead Whale
What is the state marine mammal of California? Answer: Gray Whale
What is the state marine mammal of Florida? Answer: Manatee
What is the state marine mammal of Massachusetts? Answer: Right Whale
What is the state small mammal of Texas? Answer: Nine-Banded Armadillo
What is the state water mammal of Mississippi? Answer: Dolphin
What is the state wild animal of Tennessee? Answer: Raccoon

State Birds Trivia:
What is the state bird of Alabama? Answer: Yellowhammer
What is the state bird of Alaska? Answer: Willow Ptarmigan
What is the state bird of Arizona? Answer: Cactus Wren
What is the state bird of Arkansas? Answer: Mockingbird
What is the state bird of California? Answer: California Quail
What is the state bird of Colorado? Answer: Lark Bunting
What is the state bird of Connecticut? Answer: American Robin
What is the state bird of Delaware? Answer: Delaware Blue Hen
What is the state bird of Florida? Answer: Mockingbird
What is the state bird of Georgia? Answer: Brown Thrasher
What is the state bird of Hawaii? Answer: Nene
What is the state bird of Idaho? Answer: Mountain Bluebird
What is the state bird of Illinois? Answer: Cardinal
What is the state bird of Indiana? Answer: Cardinal
What is the state bird of Iowa? Answer: American Goldfinch
What is the state bird of Kansas? Answer: Western Meadowlark
What is the state bird of Kentucky? Answer: Cardinal
What is the state bird of Louisiana? Answer: Brown Pelican
What is the state bird of Maine? Answer: Black-Capped Chickadee
What is the state bird of Maryland? Answer: Baltimore Oriole
What is the state bird of Massachusetts? Answer: Black-Capped Chickadee
What is the state bird of Michigan? Answer: American Robin
What is the state bird of Minnesota? Answer: Common Loon
What is the state bird of Mississippi ? Answer: Mockingbird
What is the state bird of Missouri? Answer: Eastern Bluebird
What is the state bird of Montana? Answer: Western Meadowlark
What is the state bird of Nebraska? Answer: Western Meadowlark
What is the state bird of Nevada? Answer: Mountain Bluebird
What is the state bird of New Hampshire? Answer: Purple Finch
What is the state bird of New Jersey? Answer: American Goldfinch
What is the state bird of New Mexico? Answer: Roadrunner
What is the state bird of New York? Answer: Eastern Bluebird
What is the state bird of North Carolina? Answer: Cardinal
What is the state bird of North Dakota? Answer: Western Meadowlark
What is the state bird of Ohio? Answer: Cardinal
What is the state bird of Oklahoma? Answer: Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher
What is the state bird of Oregon? Answer: Western Meadowlark
What is the state bird of Pennysylvania? Answer: Ruffed Grouse
What is the state bird of Rhode Island? Answer: Rhode Island Red
What is the state bird of South Carolina? Answer: Carolina Wren
What is the state bird of South Dakota? Answer: Ring-Necked Pheasant
What is the state bird of Tennessee? Answer: Mockingbird
What is the state bird of Texas? Answer: Mockingbird
What is the state bird of Utah? Answer: California Gull
What is the state bird of Vermont? Answer: Hermit Thrush
What is the state bird of Virginia? Answer: Cardinal
What is the state bird of Washington? Answer: American Goldfinch
What is the state bird of West Virginia? Answer: Cardinal
What is the state bird of Wisconsin? Answer: American Robin
What is the state bird of Wyoming? Answer: Western Meadowlark

State Capitals Trivia:
What is the capital of Alabama? Answer: Montgomery
What is the capital of Alaska? Answer: Juneau
What is the capital of Arizona? Answer: Phoenix
What is the capital of Arkansas? Answer: Little Rock
What is the capital of California? Answer: Sacramento
What is the capital of Colorado? Answer: Denver
What is the capital of Connecticut? Answer: Hartford
What is the capital of Delaware? Answer: Dover
What is the capital of Florida? Answer: Tallahassee
What is the capital of Georgia? Answer: Atlanta
What is the capital of Hawaii? Answer: Honolulu
What is the capital of Idaho? Answer: Boise
What is the capital of Illinois? Answer: Springfield
What is the capital of Indiana? Answer: Indianapolis
What is the capital of Iowa? Answer: Des Moines
What is the capital of Kansas? Answer: Topeka
What is the capital of Kentucky? Answer: Frankfort
What is the capital of Louisiana? Answer: Baton Rouge
What is the capital of Maine? Answer: Augusta
What is the capital of Maryland? Answer: Annapolis
What is the capital of Massachusetts? Answer:
What is the capital of Michigan? Answer: Lansing
What is the capital of Minnesota? Answer: Saint Paul
What is the capital of Mississippi? Answer: Annapolis
What is the capital of Missouri? Answer: Jefferson City
What is the capital of Montana? Answer: Helena
What is the capital of Nebraska? Answer: Lincoln
What is the capital of Nevada? Answer: Carson City
What is the capital of New Hampshire? Answer: Concord
What is the capital of New Jersey? Answer: Trenton
What is the capital of New Mexico? Answer: Santa Fe
What is the capital of New York? Answer: Albany
What is the capital of North Carolina? Answer: Raleigh
What is the capital of North Dakota? Answer: Bismark
What is the capital of Ohio? Answer: Columbus
What is the capital of Oklahoma? Answer: Oklahoma City
What is the capital of Oregon? Answer: Salem
What is the capital of Pennsylvania? Answer: Harrisburg
What is the capital of Rhode Island? Answer: Providence
What is the capital of South Carolina? Answer: Columbia
What is the capital of South Dakota? Answer: Pierre
What is the capital of Tennessee? Answer: Nashville
What is the capital of Texas? Answer: Austin
What is the capital of Utah? Answer: Salt Lake City
What is the capital of Vermont? Answer: Montpelier
What is the capital of Virginia? Answer: Richmond
What is the capital of Washington? Answer: Olympia
What is the capital of West Virginia? Answer: Charleston
What is the capital of Wisconsin? Answer: Madison
What is the capital of Wyoming? Answer: Chenyenne

State Nicknames Trivia:
Which state is known as the "Aloha State?" Answer: Hawaii
Which state is known as the "Beaver State?" Answer: Oregon
Which state is known as the "Beehive State?" Answer: Utah
Which state is known as the "Bluegrass State?" Answer: Kentucky
Which state is known as the "Constitution State?" Answer: Connecticut
Which state is known as the "Empire State?" Answer: New York
Which state is known as the "Evergreen State?" Answer: Washington
Which state is known as the "First State?" Answer: Delaware
Which state is known as the "Garden State?" Answer: New Jersey
Which state is known as the "Golden State?" Answer: California
Which state is known as the "Great Lakes State?" Answer: Michigan
Which state is known as the "Lone Star State?" Answer: Texas
Which state is known as the "Magnolia State?" Answer: Mississippi
Which state is known as the "Ocean State?" Answer: Rhode Island
Which state is known as the "Pelican State?" Answer: Louisiana
Which state is known as the "Pine Tree State?" Answer: Maine
Which state is known as the "Prairie State?" Answer: Illinois
Which state is known as the "Silver State?" Answer: Nevada
Which state is known as the "Sunflower State?" Answer: Kansas
Which state is known as the "Volunteer State?" Answer: Tennessee

Tenth Grade Vocabulary Trivia:
Adjunct Answer: something attached to but holding an inferior position
Congregate Answer: To come together in a group, assemble.
Dialogue Answer: a conversation between two persons
Eloquent Answer: expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively
Gregarious Answer: seeking and enjoying the company of others
Injunction Answer: a formal command or admonition
Junction Answer: an act of joining or adjoining things
Juncture Answer: a joining together; the point at which two things are joined; any important point in time
Malady Answer: a sickness, illness, disease, disorder
Malcontent Answer: person dissatisfied with existing state of affairs
Malevolent Answer: wishing or appearing to wish evil to others
Malicious Answer: wishing evil or harm upon others
Phonetic Answer: related to the sounds in a language
Segregate Answer: separating into different groups
Soliloquy Answer: the act of talking to oneself or a dramatic monologue

Twelfth Grade Vocabulary Trivia:
Antithesis Answer: the direct opposite or contrast to a previously given assertion
Benevolent Answer: showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity
Brazen Answer: unrestrained by convention or propriety
Chicanery Answer: deceiving someone, scam
Conundrum Answer: a difficult problem
Deleterious Answer: harmful to living things
Enervate Answer: to weaken, or to take energy from
Evanescent Answer: tending to vanish like vapor
Fortuitous Answer: occurring by happy chance
Guru Answer: religious teacher
Hegemony Answer: one country/group has leadership over another
Impetuous Answer: characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation
Jovial Answer: happy, cheery
Loquacious Answer: talkative, chatty
Peruse Answer: reading with careful attention
Sensuous Answer: all senses, dealing w/ all senses

Weather Trivia:
A waterspout is actually a weak ______ that forms over water. Answer: Tornado
How fast do raindrops fall? Answer: 7-18 miles per hour
How is snow formed? Answer: Water vapor changes directly to ice high in the atmosphere
In which two seasons are thunderstorms most likely to occur? Answer: Spring & Summer
The ______ is the center of a hurricane and also the calmest part of the storm. Answer: Eye
Tornado are rated on what kind of scale? Answer: F Scale
What causes the electric current that result in lightning? Answer: Ice particles bumping into each other
What does a Tornado Watch mean? Answer: Tornadoes are possible in your area.
What is a monsoon? Answer: Seasonal wind that often brings rain
What is a tornado called before it hits the ground? Answer: Funnel Cloud
What is sleet? Answer: Rain that freezes into ice before it hits ground
What is the name of the strong radar that helps predict weather? Answer: Doppler
What type of cloud is above 18,000 feet in the atmosphere? Answer: Cirrus
What type of cloud is below 6,500 feet in the atmosphere? Answer: Stratus
What type of cloud is between 6,500 feet to 18,000 feet in the atmosphere? Answer: Alto
What type of cloud usually looks white and puffy? Answer: Cumulus
Where do tornadoes come from? Answer: Thunderstorms
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a hurricane? Answer: Forms over mountains
Which of the following is NOT needed to cause a blizzard? Answer: Rotating storm clouds

World Capitals Trivia:
What is the capital of Argentina? Answer: Buenos Aires
What is the capital of Australia? Answer: Canberra
What is the capital of Austria? Answer: Vienna
What is the capital of Belgium? Answer: Brussels
What is the capital of Brazil? Answer: Brasilia
What is the capital of Canada? Answer: Ottawa
What is the capital of China? Answer: Beijing
What is the capital of Cuba? Answer: Havana
What is the capital of Czech Republic? Answer: Prague
What is the capital of Denmark? Answer: Copenhagen
What is the capital of Egypt? Answer: Cairo
What is the capital of Finland? Answer: Helsinki
What is the capital of France? Answer: Paris
What is the capital of Germany? Answer: Berlin
What is the capital of Greece? Answer: Athens
What is the capital of Hungary? Answer: Budapest
What is the capital of India? Answer: New Delhi
What is the capital of Italy? Answer: Rome
What is the capital of Japan? Answer: Tokyo
What is the capital of Mexico? Answer: Mexico City
What is the capital of The Bahamas? Answer: Nassau


  1. its very nice just my eyes cant see it well maybe if the background was darker

    1. Ok thanks for the feedback I'll fix it very soon

    2. Much much better

    3. Hey are you Kevins friend?

      if you are please reply

    4. I just need to tell kev about you

    5. Who Wrote "Let America Be America Again"?
      Langston Hughes

  2. wait what did i do


  3. Am i the Only One Who Still Uses this Site?

  4. Yo iv'e been using this sight since the day kevin told me about it

  5. Till this sight goes down then i'll stop earning crowns

  6. I actually have a few friends who'd love this site but can't tell them it on wizard101 chat filter you know

  7. A Pharaoh never let his ______ be seen. Answer: Hair Correct!

    Which of these animals was considered sacred by Ancient Egyptians? Answer: Cat Correct!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What type of animal did Ancient Egyptians not typically keep as a pet? Answer: Hippo

  10. Which of the following was not invented by the Ancient Egyptians? Answer: Horse saddles

  11. Can you add more trivias to your site? You still dont have a lot of trivias...
    For e.g. Whale and Shark trivia, and also KingsIsle trivia. It says work under progress when I check them.

    Can you please add them soon?

  12. Can you also add Austin Texas trivia and Texas facts trivia?

  13. One question is missing in your weather trivia answer. I will post it here.

    5.Which of these states are not in "Tornado Alley"? Answer: North Carolina Correct!

    you can add it to the list later :P

  14. i find all collected answer here guys...

  15. Who was Odin's father?
    Answer: Borr

  16. Norse Mythology:
    Who was the goddess of joy and peace? Answer:Nanna

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. What is the state dog of Pennsylvania Great Dane

  19. What is the state marine animal of Delaware? Horseshoe Crab

  20. What is the state animal of Montana? grizzly bear

  21. What is the state wild game animal of Kentucky? gray squirrel

  22. Who was the goddess of joy and peace? Nanna

  23. norse Who was the goddess of spring? Eostre

  24. Which mission broadcasted some of the first live television pictures from space?
    Answer: Apollo 7

  25. What is the state mammal of Wyoming?
    Answer: Bison

  26. What is the state domestic animal of Wisconsin?
    Answer: Dairy Cow

  27. What is the state dog of Louisiana?
    Answer: Catahoula Leopard Dog

  28. didn't see this in your list: Aries is a constellation named after what animal? Answer: Ram Correct! and the answer to this one is wrong. What is the brightest star in the Pegasus constellation? think it is enif, also known as Epsilon Pegasi. thanks for all the hard work :)

  29. Norse mythology

    Who was the goddess of the sea? Answer: Ran

  30. Texas State Trivia
    How many cattle are estimated to exist in Texas? Answer: 16 million
    Remember the _____. Answer: Alamo
    Texas comes from the Caddo word Tejas, which means what? Answer: Friends or Allies
    Texas has the country's largest herd of what kind of animal? Answer: Whitetail Deer
    Texas is called the ______ state. Answer: Lone Star
    What is the capital of Texas? Answer: Austin
    What is the largest city in Texas population wise? Answer: Houston
    What is the only US State with a larger land mass than Texas? Answer: Alaska
    What is the only US state with a larger population than Texas? Answer: California
    What is the state bird of Texas? Answer: Mockingbird
    What is the state dish of Texas? Answer: Chili
    What is the state Plant? Answer: Prickly Pear Cactus
    What is the Texas state flower? Answer: Bluebonnet
    What large body of water is off the Texas coast? Answer: Gulf of Mexico
    What natural resource gave Texas a large economic boom? Answer: Oil
    Which popular soft drink originated in Texas? Answer: Dr Pepper
    Which Texan city is considered the live music capital of the world? Answer: Austin
    Which US president was born in Texas? Answer: Dwight D Eisenhower

  31. NORSE GODS HERE ARE More Norse God Answers

    1. Who was the goddess of wisdom? Answer: Vor Correct!
    2. Who was the god of strength and son of Thor? Answer: Magni Correct!
    3. Who was the god of mischief? Answer: Loki Correct!
    4. Baldr was the god of what? Answer: Beauty, innocence, peace and rebirth Correct!
    5. Who was the god of poetry, music and the harp? Answer: Bragi Correct!
    6. Who was the god of thunder and battle? Answer: Thor Correct!
    7. Who was the goddess of healing? Answer: Eir Correct!
    8. Who was the goddess of old age? Answer: Elli Correct!
    9. Who was the goddess of the sea? Answer: Ran Correct!
    10. Who was the goddess of night? Answer: Nott Correct!
    11. Who was the first Norse god? Answer: Buri Correct!
    12. Who was the god of dawn? Answer: Delling Correct!

  32. On Geometric Shapes quiz that I took, they over use the Trapezoid and Trapezium shape, there are American and British definitions, to which the Trapezoid for one was incorrect for the other, which makes me unhappy because by American definition, I was correct in saying trapezoid.
    I copied a definition from a math web site, "A trapezium is defined by the properties it does not have. It has no parallel sides. Any quadrilateral drawn at random would probably be a trapezium. Since it has no interesting properties beyond those of a quadrilateral, it is not used much in geometry.

    If the quadrilateral had one pair of parallel sides, it would be a trapezoid. If both pairs of sides are parallel, it would be a parallelogram.
    Definition notes
    There is considerable confusion over the definition of 'trapezoid' and 'trapezium' due to differences in the British and US versions. As you can see from the table below, the meanings of the two words are exactly reversed between the US and British interpretations.
    British Trapezoid A quadrilateral with no sides parallel
    US Trapezoid A quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides
    British Trapezium A quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides
    US Trapezium A quadrilateral with no sides parallel

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Who painted this? "Adoration of the Magi" REDS in the image, main eye catching figure older man with red cloak looking at viewing audience. 1624 Answer: Rubens

    Who painted this? "A Sunday on La Grande Jatte" Is an Image of well dressed people lounging or walking at a park near a lake. Answer: Seurat

    Who painted this? "The Girl with a Pearl Earring" 1665 Girl wearing turban with a Blue band and a large white pearl earring. Answer: Vermeer

    Who painted this? "The Night Watch" Dark edges and many people in this painting, the two central figures Man on Right wearing White outfit and man on left wearing black outfit with white ruffle collar. 1642 Measures 13 by 16 feet Answer: Rembrandt

    Who painted this? "American Gothic" is a Portrait of Farmer with pitchfork and Wife in front of farmhouse. Answer: Wood

    Who painted this? "The Scream" is a colorful 1893 piece of art of a series of life, A bridge, colorful lines sky, human image in blue and white is surreal holding face with both hands and appearing to scream. Answer: Munch

    Who painted this? "Mona Lisa" Woman sitting with hands crossed on arm rest, with a shy smile on her face. "... it was produced in Florence when Leonardo moved there to live from about 1500-1508. Answer: Leonardo

    Who painted this? "The Flower Carrier" Man in white on all fours with a Large basket with pink flowers on back and woman standing helping him. 1935, Diego Rivera Cargador de Flores Answer: Rivera

    Who painted this? "Arrangement in Gray and Black: Portrait of the Artist's Mother " 1871 old Woman rocking chair facing left. "... nearly monochromatic full-length figure titled Arrangement in Gray and Black: Portrait of the Artist's Mother, but usually referred to as Whistler's Mother." Answer: McNeill

    Who painted this? "The Sleeping Gypsy" Night image of person sleeping in a stripped garment with a lion sniffing at them, white moon in night sky, rolling hills in background. Answer: Rousseau

    Who painted this? "Luncheon of the boating party" People in colorful clothing sitting or standing around a table outdoors, covered awning, very brightly painted. People Answer: Renoir

    Who painted this? Melting clocks in a bleak landscape. Surreal image. Title is "Persistence of Memory" by Salvador Dali, 1931 Answer: Dali

    Who painted this? "Starry Night" swirling blue sky and yellow circle stars, night over the village, church steeple andt cypress trees on left, long strokes and swirling strokes. Answer: Van Gogh

    Who painted this? "Netherlandish Proverbs" 1559. Colorful image of Village life, people doing work or other things, very brightly painted view is as if looking along and down upon the village. Answer: Bruegel

    Who painted this? "Dur Kuss" is a colorful yellow and spekled central image of two people standing on a green and pink flower field, and contrast of brown in the background, yellow flowers trail a the girls feet, aka The Kiss, 1908: Answer: Klimt

    Who painted this? A curved Bridge over lily pond in green the use of color strokes and light to create the perfect image if you stand so many feet away from the picture. Claude Monet, "Water-Lily Pond, Symphony in Green," 1899, oil on canvas, 35 ¼ x 36 ½ in. (Musée d’Orsay, Paris) Answer: Monet

    Who painted this? "Guernica" A wide painting Abstract of people depicted as triangular and exagerated round images the people are naked and in Anguish and torment. Shows the tragedies of war and suffering inflicted on individuals. Spanish Civil War 1937 Answer: Picasso

    Who painted this? "The Last Supper" non traditional frescoe on a wall at the Santa Maria delle Grazie monastery in Milan, Italy, of Men in ancient robed garb, at a long white cloth table with Jesus in the center wearing a blue mantel over a red tunic. Answer: Leonardo

  36. in Art Trivia you can type in artist name for search Like this, Chagall paintings or like Grecco Paintings to see images/

  37. the ancient Egyptians did not invent horse saddles.

  38. Austin holds the world's largest urban _____ population. Answer: Bats
    Austin is one of the few US cities to have what kind of track? Answer: F1 Racing
    Austin is the _______ capital of the world. Answer: Live Music
    Austin is the largest US city without a ___________. Answer: Professional sports team
    How do Austinites pronounce Guadalupe? Answer: Gwa - da - loop
    How many days of sunshine is the annual average for Austin? Answer: 300
    How many feet higher is the Texas capitol building than the US capitol building? Answer: Seven
    What color granite is the Texas capitol building in Austin? Answer: Pink
    What common item is banned in all Austin grocery stores? Answer: Plastic Bags
    What do local Austin residents call the dammed up river downtown? Answer: Town Lake
    What do people in Austin call themselves? Answer: Austinites
    What famous Austin street is known for live music and night life? Answer: 6th Street
    What is the city of Austin's slogan? Answer: Keep Austin Weird
    What is the natural swimming pool driven by a spring called? Answer: Barton Springs
    Which college sports team makes its home in Austin? Answer: University of Texas Longhorns
    Which of these is NOT a music festival held in Austin? Answer: Coachella
    Which major river runs through the city of Austin? Answer: Colorado
    Under which bridge in Austin do 1.5 million bats live under? Answer: Congress

  39. Holiday's Trivia
    "Fat Tuesday" is associated with which observance holiday? Answer: Mardi Gras Correct!
    Martin Luther King day is during which month? Answer: January Correct!
    Mother's Day is always on what day of the week? Answer: Sunday Correct!
    On Saint Patrick's Day, you better be wearing _______. Answer: Green Correct!

    Ramadan is a holiday associated with which religion? Answer: Islam Correct!
    This holiday in January is the beginning of the year! Answer: New Year's Day Correct!
    This spring Jewish holiday is a celebration of liberation. Answer: Passover Correct!
    This spring Jewish holiday is a celebration of liberation. Answer: Passover Correct!
    What animal do we watch on ________ Day to see how long winter will last? Answer: Groundhog Correct!
    What day does the US celebrate its independence? Answer: July 4th Correct!
    What day is Tax Day? Answer: April 15th Correct!
    What does Cinco de Mayo celebrate? Answer: Defeat of French Army in Mexico Correct!
    What kind of holiday is Memorial Day in the United States? Answer: US National Holiday Correct!
    What kind of holiday is Valentine's Day officially? Answer: Observance Correct!
    What state celebrates Bunker Hill Day? Answer: Massachusetts Correct!
    When is Texas Independence day? Answer: March 2nd Correct!
    Which Christian holiday immediately follows the end of Mardi Gras? Answer: Ash Wednesday Correct!
    Which of the following is not an observed holiday in the US? Answer: Kids Day Correct!
    Which US holiday traditionally marks the end of summer? Answer: Labor Day Correct!

  40. THE Animated Film Oscar Winners Trivia
    Which animation studio has the most Oscar wins? Answer: Pixar Correct!
    Which film won the Oscar for "Best Animated Feature" in 2001? Answer: Shrek Correct!
    Which film won the Oscar for "Best Animated Feature" in 2002? Answer: Spirited Away Correct!
    Which film won the Oscar for "Best Animated Feature" in 2003? Answer: Finding Nemo Correct!
    Which film won the Oscar for "Best Animated Feature" in 2004? Answer: The Incredibles Correct!
    Which film won the Oscar for "Best Animated Feature" in 2005? Answer: Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit Correct!
    Which film won the Oscar for "Best Animated Feature" in 2006? Answer: Happy Feet Correct!
    Which film won the Oscar for "Best Animated Feature" in 2007? Answer: Ratatouille Correct!
    Which film won the Oscar for "Best Animated Feature" in 2008? Answer: WALL-E Correct!
    Which film won the Oscar for "Best Animated Feature" in 2009? Answer: Up Correct!
    Which film won the Oscar for "Best Animated Feature" in 2010? Answer: Toy Story 3 Correct!
    Which film won the Oscar for "Best Animated Feature" in 2011? Answer: Rango Correct!
    Which film won the Oscar for "Best Animated Feature" in 2012? Answer: Brave Correct!
    Which film won the Oscar for "Best Animated Feature" in 2013? Answer: Frozen Correct!

  41. On Constellation Trivia the answer in the list here is wrong, it is not Markab, it is Enif or Epsilon Pegasi FYI
    "With an apparent magnitude varying between 2.37 and 2.45, the brightest star in Pegasus is the orange supergiant Epsilon Pegasi, also known as Enif, which marks the horse's muzzle."

  42. Famous poets trivia. Question: Who wrote "Let America Be America Again" Answer: Langston Hughes

  43. Loki - came from giants and "foster" brother to ODIN
    first Norse god: Buri
    goddess of spring: Eostre
    god of strength and son of Thor: Magni
    the god of the daytime: Dagr
    god of war and the "All Father": Odin
    Baldr god of: Beauty, innocence, peace and rebirth
    god of justice, peace and truth: Forseti
    goddess of wisdom: Vor
    goddess of old age: Elli
    god of dawn: Delling
    Odin's father: Borr
    goddess of prudence: Snotra

  44. WARNING state capitols should be aware of the answers, Mississippi is Jackson NOT Annapolis

  45. ALABAMA STATE BIRD IS Northern Flicker
    Alabama State Bird

  46. mystical trivia
    HRUNDLE FJORD is part of what section of Grizzleheim? Wintertusk
    In Reagent’s Square, the PROFESSOR is standing in front of a: Telegraph Box
    In what world would you find the SPIDER TEMPLE? Zafaria
    KING AXAYA KNIFEMOON needs what to unify the people around him? The Badge of Leadership
    KING NEZA is Zenzen Seven Star's: Grandfather
    THADDEUS PRICE is the Pigswick Academy Professor of what school? Tempest
    What is used to travel to the ISLE OF ARACHNIS? Ice Archway
    What was PONCE DE GIBBON looking for in Azteca? The Water of Life
    Where is the only PURE FIRE in the Spiral found? Wizard City
    Which VILLAIN terrorizes the fair maidens of MARLEYBONE? Jaques the Scatcher
    Who asks you to find KHRYSANTHEMUMS? Eloise Merryweather
    Who did FALYNN GREENSLEEVES fall in love with?
    Sir Malick de Logres
    Who gives you permission to ride the BOAT to the KROKOSPHINX? Sergent Major Talbot
    Who haunts the NIGHT WARRENS? Nosferabbit
    Who is the EMPEROR of Mooshu’s Royal Guard?
    Noboru Akitame
    Who is the only person who knows how to enter the TOMB OF STORMS? Hetch Al'Dim
    Who takes you across the RIVER OF SOULS? Charon
    Who tells you how to get to AQUILA? Harold Argleston
    Who was ordered to guard the SWORD OF KINGS? The Knights of the Silver Rose
    Who was the greatest AQUILAN GLADIATOR of all time? Dimachaerus
    thanks to Grace Silvertail

  47. Farm Facts
    Farm & Ranch families account for roughly how much of the US population? Answer: 2% Correct!
    About how many gallons of water do cows drink every day? Answer: 50 Correct!
    About how many pounds of food do cows eat every day? Answer: 100 Correct!
    How many different breeds of sheep are there in the United States? Answer: 47 Correct!
    How many gallons of milk per day does the average dairy cow produce? Answer: Six Correct!
    How much yarn can one pound of wool produce? Answer: 10 miles of yarn Correct!
    Roughly what percent of the US total land area is devoted to farmland? Answer: 41% Correct!
    Roughly what percentage of raw farm products is exported each year? Answer: 25% Correct!
    Roughly what percentage of the US work force works in agriculture? Answer: 17% Correct!
    Soybeans are an important ingredient for what kind of school supply? Answer: Crayons Correct!
    There are more than _________ ranchers and cattle producers in the United States. Answer: 900,000 Correct!
    What country is the largest egg producer in the world? Answer: China Correct!
    What is the most widely eaten meat in the world? Answer: Pork Correct!
    What is the oldest known plant used for feeding livestock? Answer: Alfalfa Correct!
    What month is official National Dairy month? Answer: June Correct!
    Which of the following is not one of the US top farming products? Answer: Peaches Correct!
    Which US state produces the most cranberries? Answer: Wisconsin Correct!

  48. Famous Musician Quotes
    1. Who said "For me there is something primitively soothing about this music, and it went straight to my nervous system, making me feel ten feet tall." Answer: Eric Clapton Correct!
    2. Who said "The key to longevity is to learn every aspect of music that you can." Answer: Prince Correct!
    3. Who said "That's a defining moment, there, when someone plays an instrument that everyone relates to around the planet." Answer: Neil Young Correct!
    4. Who said "Not every song is a big ballad, but every song is as powerful." Answer: Celine Dion Correct!
    5. Who said "Works of art make rules; rules do not make works of art." Answer: Claude Debussy Correct!
    6. Who said "I wanna show that gospel, country, blues, rhythm and blues, jazz, rock 'n' roll are all just really one thing. Those are the American music and that is the American culture." Answer: Etta James Correct!
    7. Who said "To play without passion is inexcusable!" Answer: Ludwig van Beethoven Correct!
    8. Who said "Music can change the world because it can change people." Answer: Bono Correct!
    9. Who said "That's what music is: entertainment. The more you put yourself into it, the more of you comes out in it." Answer: Kurt Cobain Correct!
    10. Who said "All I can do is be me, whoever that is." Answer: Bob Dylan Correct!
    11. Who said "Give me a riff that makes a kid want to go out and buy a guitar and learn to play ." Answer: Ozzy Osbourne Correct!
    12. Who said "Musicians don't retire; they stop when there's no more music in them." Answer: Louis Armstrong Correct!

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Who wrote Invisible Man? Ralph Ellison

  51. Which word is spelled correctly? Answer: teutonic

  52. The main threats to big cats are ___________. Answer: poaching and habitat destruction Correct!

  53. How far can a lion's roar be heard from?
    5 miles.

  54. Winston Churchill was prime minister of Britian during which war?
    World War II

  55. Elvis Presley is a famous pop singer from what country?
    United States

  56. Charles Darwin came up with the theory of _________.

  57. Abraham Lincoln is famous for __________.
    Abolishing Slavery

  58. George Orwell was a _________. Answer: Writer

    J.K. Rowling is famous for writing which books? Answer: Harry Potter

    Pablo Picasso is famous for his what? Answer: Art

    Where was Christopher Columbus from? Answer: Italy

    Albert Einstein came up with the theory of _________. Answer: Relativity

    Bill Gates founded which American software company? Answer: Microsoft

    Vincent Van Gogh famously cut off which part of his body? Answer: Ear

  59. What is the state marine mammal of Hawaii?
    Humpback Whale

  60. What is the state wildlife animal of Delaware?
    Grey Fox

  61. What is the state mammal of North Carolina?
    Grey Squirrel

  62. What is the state animal of Colorado?
    Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep

  63. King Henry VIII wanted to remarry, which contributed to the creation of which religion?
    The Church of England

  64. Which type of habitat can be found in all ranges of climate?
    Temperate Forests

  65. What is the state bird of Pennsylvania?
    Ruffed Grouse

  66. What is the state dog of North Carolina?
    Plott Hound

  67. Tornadoes are rated on what kind of scale?
    F Scale

  68. What is the state animal of Connecticut?
    sperm whale

  69. What is the state animal of Oklahoma?

  70. This element helps give plants the energy they need to grow.

  71. Leonardo da Vinci was from what country?

  72. Ludwig Beethoven was a famous German _______.

  73. Strange Colors Trivia
    "Amaranth" could also be described as: Answer: Pink Correct!
    "Bisque" could also be described as: Answer: Brown Correct!
    "Coquelicot" could also be described as: Answer: Red Correct!
    "Cattleya" could also be described as: Answer: Purple Correct!
    "Damask" could also be described as: Answer:Red Correct!
    "Eburnean" could also be described as: Answer: White Correct!
    "Falu" could also be described as: Answer: Red Correct!
    "Fulvous" could also be described as: Answer: Orange Correct!
    "Glaucous" could also be described as: Answer: Blue Correct!
    "Jasper" could also be described as: Answer: Green Correct!
    "Mikado" could also be described as: Answer: Yellow Correct!
    "Puce" could also be described as: Answer: Red Correct!
    "Sarcoline" could also be described as: Answer: Flesh Correct!
    "Smalt" could also be described as: Answer: Blue Correct!
    "Smaragdine" could also be described as: Answer: Green Correct!
    "Titian" could also be described as: Answer: Brown Correct!
    "Verdigris" could also be described as: Answer: Green Correct!
    "Vermilion" could also be described as: Answer: Red Correct!
    "Wenge" could also be described as: Answer: Brown Correct!
    "Xanadu" could also be described as: Answer: Green Correct!

  74. cu actually stands for coper not colbolt

  75. i want to see the shark trivia on the computer

  76. State horse of Kentucky - thoroughbred

  77. Norse Mythology is the mythology from what group of people?
    North Germanic

  78. What is the state animal of New York?

  79. What is the state animal of Maine?

  80. Who wrote Invisible Man?
    Ralph Ellison

    Who wrote One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?
    Ken Kesey

  81. Which is spelled correctly?: Teutonic

  82. Does anyone know the swimming trivia or is it on there? o.o

  83. The brighest star in the Pegasus constellation is Enif, not Markab.

  84. "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." - Animal Farm

  85. What is the state dog of New Hampshire? - Chinook

  86. State Animals Trivia:
    What is the state horse of Kentucky? - Thoroughbred

  87. What is the capital of Mississippi?
    Answer - Jackson (This list says "Annapolis" but that's not an option :/)

  88. Which Greek is the sun titan?
    Answer - Helios

  89. "I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what."
    Answer : To Kill a Mockingbird

  90. Who was the 45th President of the United States?
    Answer: Donald Trump

  91. Tigers are often poached for their parts, used in traditional _________ medicine.
    Answer Chinese Medicine

  92. Soccer Trivia
    1. A _______ card dismisses a player from the game. Answer: Red Correct!
    2. What is the minimum number of players that can play on one soccer team? Answer: Seven Correct!
    3. Which is the only position where a player can use their hands? Answer: Goalkeeper Correct!
    4. Which of the following is not a field position in soccer? Answer: Kicker Correct!
    5. Which countries primarily use the word "soccer" to describe association football? Answer: US & Canada Correct!
    6. What is the common name for soccer in Europe? Answer: Football Correct!
    7. How often does the FIFA World Cup take place? Answer: Every Four Years Correct!
    8. What colors are a typical soccer ball? Answer: Black and White Correct!
    9. What are the only parts of the body you can't use when playing soccer? Answer: Hands and Arms Correct!
    10. How long is a half of a soccer game? Answer: Forty Five Minutes Correct!
    11. What is the international football (soccer) body called? Answer: FIFA Correct!
    12. When was The Footbal Association founded? Answer: 1863 Correct!

  93. 9. Roughly how many species of primates does the IUCN recognize? Answer: 600 Correct!

  94. Soccer Trivia
    What is the major world soccer competition that takes place every four years?
    Answer: FIFA World Cup
    A _______ card cautions a player and marks a foul.
    Answer: Yellow
    What is the circumference of an official soccer ball?
    Answer: 28 inches
    In what country did the name "soccer" instead of football originate?
    Answer: England
    What is the main protective gear worn by soccer players?
    Answer: Shin Guards

  95. Which college wrote early fundamental and influental rules for soccer?
    Answer: Cambridge

  96. What is the state animal of West Virginia?
    Answer: Black Bear

  97. What is the state dog of Pennsylvania? answer: Great Dane

  98. JT Eaton Answer Catch and Release Skunk Trap 475N is constructed of rugged polyethylene and features a capture trigger and an easy-to-open release door.
