Wizard101 Answers

Wizard101 Trivia Answers

Wizard101 Adventuring Trivia:
An unmodified Sun Serpent does what? Answer: 900 + 1000 Fire Damage � 300 Fire Damage to entire team
How long do you have to wait to join a new match after fleeing in PVP? Answer: 5 minutes
In Grizzleheim, the Ravens want to bring about: Answer: The Everwinter, to cover the world in ice:
Shaka Zebu is known best as: Answer: The Greatest Living Zebra
What determines the colors of the manders in Krok? Answer: Where they come from and their school of focus.
What does the Time Ribbon Protect against? Answer: Time Flux
What hand does Lady Oriel hold her wand in? Answer: Trick question, she has a sword.
What is Professor Falmea's favorite food? Answer: Pasta Arribata
What is the name of the book stolen from the Royal Museum? Answer: The Krokonomicon
What is the name of the new dance added with Khrysalis? Answer: The bee dance
What is the name of the secret society in Krokotopia Answer: Order of the Fang
What is unique about Falmea's Classroom? Answer: There are scortch marks on the celing
What school is the Gurtok Demon focused on? Answer: Death
What school is the spell Dark Nova Answer: Shadow
What type of rank 8 spell is granted to Death students at level 58? Answer: Damage + DoT
Which Aztecan ponders the Great Questions of Life? Answer: Philosoraptor
Which of these is NOT a Zafaria Anchor Stone? Answer: Rasik Anchor Stone
Who is in the top level of the Tower of the Helephant? Answer: Lyon Lorestriker
Who is the Bear King of Grizzleheim? Answer: Valgard Goldenblade

Wizard101 Conjuring Trivia:
How many portal summoning candles are in the Burial Mound? Answer: Three
Kirby Longspear was once a student of which school of magic? Answer: Death
Sir Edward Halley is the Spiral's most famous: Answer: Aztecosaurologist
The Swordsman Destreza was killed by: Answer: A Gorgon
What book was Anna Flameright accused of stealing? Answer: Advanced Flameology
What did Abigail Dolittle accuse Wadsworth of stealing? Answer: Genuine Imitation Golden Ruby
What is the shape on the weather vanes in the Shopping District? Answer: Half moon/moon
What level must you be to wear Dragonspyre crafted clothing? Answer: 33
What was the name of the powerful Grendel Shaman who sealed the runic doors? Answer: Thulinn
Which Queen is mentioned in the Marleybone book "The Golden Age"? Answer: Ellen
Who is Bill Tanner's sister? Answer: Sarah Tanner
Who Is NOT a member of the Council of Light? Answer: Cyrus Drake
Who is the King of the Burrowers? Answer: Pyat MourningSword

Wizard101 Magical Trivia:
How many worlds of The Spiral are unlocked as of May 21st 2014? Answer: 12
Merle Ambrose is originally from which world? Answer: Avalon
What book does Professor Drake send you to the library to check out? Answer: Book on the Wumpus
What can be used to diminish the Nirini's powers in Krokotopia? Answer: Flame Gems
What color is the door inside the boys dormroom? Answer: Red
What did Prospector Zeke lose track of in MooShu? Answer: Blue Oysters
What is the shape of the pink piece in potion motion? Answer: Heart
What's the name of the balance tree? Answer: Niles
WHich below are NOT a type of Oni in MooShu? Answer: Ruby
Which is the only school left standing in Dragonspyre? Answer: Fire
Which of these locations is not in Wizard City? Answer: Digmore Station
Which one of these are not a symbol on the battle sigil? Answer: Wand
Who guards the entrance to Unicorn Way? Answer: Private Stillson
Who is the Nameless Knight? Answer: Sir Malory
Who is the Registrar of Pigswick Academy? Answer: Mrs. Dowager
Who prophesizes this? "The mirror will break, The horn will call, From the shadows I strike , And the skies will fall..." Answer: Morganthe
Who sells Valentine's Day items in Wizard City? Answer: Valentina Heartsong
Why are the Gobblers so afraid to go home? Answer: Witches
Why are the pixies and faeries on Unicorn Way evil? Answer: Rattlebones corrupted them.
Zafaria is home to what cultures? Answer: Gorillas, Zebras, Lions

Wizard101 Marleybone Trivia:
Arthur Wethersfield is A:.. Answer: Dog
What color are the Marleybone mailboxes? Answer: Red
What course did Herold Digmoore study? Answer: Ancient Myths for Parliament
What did Prospector Zeke lose in Marleybone? Answer: The Stray Cats
What event is Abigail Doolittle sending out invitations for? Answer: Policeman's Ball
What initials were on the doctor's glove? Answer: XX
What is a very common last name of the cats in Marleybone? Answer: O'Leary
What is flying around in Regent's Square? Answer: Newspapers
What is Sgt. Major Talbot's full name? Answer: Sylvester Quimby Talbot III
What sort of beverage is served in Air Dales Hideaway? Answer: Root Beer
What style of artifacts are in the Royal Museum? Answer: Krokotopian
What time does the clock always read in Marleybone? Answer: 1:55
What time of day is it always in Marleybone? Answer: Night
What transports you from place to place in Marleybone? Answer: Hot Air Balloons
What two names are on the Statues in the Marleybone cathedral? Answer: Saint Bernard and Saint Hubert
Which is not a street in Regent's Square? Answer: Fleabitten Ave
Which of these folks can you find in the Royal Museum? Answer: Clancy Pembroke
Which symbol is not on the stained glass window in Regent's Square? Answer: A Tennis Ball
Who is not an officer you'll find around Marleybone? Answer: Officer Digmore
Who is the dangerous criminal that is locked up, but escapes from Newgate Prison?  Answer: Meowiarty

Wizard101 Mystical Trivia:
Hrundle Fjord is part of what section of Grizzleheim? Answer: Wintertusk
In Reagent's Square, the Professor is standing in front of a: Answer: Telegraph Box
In what world would you find the Spider Temple Answer: Zafaria
King Axaya Knifemoon needs what to unify the people around him? Answer: The Badge of Leadership
King Neza is Zenzen Seven Star's:? Answer: Grandfather
Thaddeus Price is the Pigswick Academy Professor of what school? Answer: Water
What is used to travel to the Isle of Arachnis? Answer: Ice Archway
What was Ponce de Gibbon looking for in Azteca? Answer: The Water of Life
Where is the only pure fire in the Spiral found? Answer: Wizard City
Which villain terrorizes the fair maidens of Marleybone? Answer: Jaques the Scratcher
Who asks you to find Khrysanthemums? Answer: Eloise Merryweather
Who did Falynn Greensleeves fall in love with? Answer: Sir Malick de Logres
Who gives you permission to ride the boat to the Krokosphinx? Answer: Sergent Major Talbot
Who haunts the Night Warrens? Answer: Nosferabbit
Who is the Emperor of Mooshu's Royal Guard? Answer: Noboru Akitame
Who is the only person who knows how to enter the Tomb of Storms? Answer: Hetch Al'Dim
Who takes you across the River of Souls? Answer: Charon
Who tells you how to get to Aquila? Answer: Harold Argleston
Who was ordered to guard the Sword of Kings? Answer: The Knights of the Silver Rose
Who was the greatest Aquilan Gladiator of all time? Answer: Dimachaerus

Wizard101 Spellbinding Trivia:
In Azteca, Morganthe enlisted the help of the: Answer: The Black Sun Necromancers
Morganthe got the Horned Crown from the Spriggan: Answer: Gisela
Sumner Fieldgold twice asks you to recover what for him? Answer: Shrubberies
The Swallows of Caliburn migrate to Avalon from where each year? Answer: Zafaria and Marleybone
What badge do you earn by defeating 100 Samoorai? Answer: Yojimbo
What does Silenus name you once you've defeated Hades? Answer: Glorious Golden Archon
What special plant was Barley developing in his Garden? Answer: Cultivated Woodsmen
Where has Pharenor been imprisoned? Answer: Skythorn Tower
Who helps Morganthe find the Horn of Huracan? Answer: Belloq
Who is Haraku Yip's apprentice? Answer: Binh Hoa
Who makes the harpsicord for Shelus? Answer: Gretta Darkkettle
Who needs the healing potion from Master Yip? Answer: Binh Hoa
Who taunts you with: "Prepare to be broken, kid!" Answer: Clanker
Who taunts you with: "Wizard, you will know the meaning of the word pain after we battle!" Answer: Aiuchi
Who taunts: Why I oughta knock you to the moon, you pesky little creep! Answer: Mugsy
Who tells you to speak these words only unto your mentor: "Meena Korio Jajuka!" Answer: Priya the Dryad
Who tells you: "A shield is just as much a weapon as the sword." Answer: Mavra Flamewing
Who thinks you are there to take their precious feathers? Answer: Takeda Kanryu
Who tries to raise a Gorgon Army? Answer: Phorcys

Wizard101 Spells Trivia:
Cassie the Ponycorn teaches this kind of spell: Answer: Prism
Ether Shield protects against what? Answer: Life and Death attacks
How many pips does it cost to cast Dr. Von's Monster? Answer: 9
How many pips does it cost to cast Stormzilla? Answer: 5
If you can cast Storm Trap, Wild Bolt, Catalan, and the Tempest spell, what are you polymorphed as? Answer: Ptera
If you're a storm wizard with 4 power pips and 3 regular pips, how powerful would your supercharge charm be? Answer: 110%
Mildred Farseer teaches you what kind of spell? Answer: Cannot be Minions
Mortis can teach you this. Answer: Tranquilize
Tish'Mah specializes in spells that mostly affect these: Answer: Minions
What does Forsaken Banshee do? Answer: 375 damage plus a hex trap
What isn't a shadow magic spell? Answer: Ebon Ribbons
What level of spell does Enya Firemoon Teach? Answer: 80
What term best fits Star Magic Spells? Answer: Auras
What term best fits Sun Magic Spells? Answer: Enchantment
What type of spells are Ice, Fire, and Storm? Answer: Elemental
Which Fire spell both damages and heals over time? Answer: Power Link
Which spell can't be cast while polymorphed as a Gobbler? Answer: Pie in the sky
Which spell would not be very effective when going for the elixir vitae Badge? Answer: Entangle
Who can teach you the Life Shield Spell? Answer: Sabrina Greenstar
Who teaches you balance magic? Answer: Alhazred

Wizard101 Wizard City Trivia:
What are the main colors for the myth school? Answer: Blue and Gold
What are the school colors of Balance? Answer: Tan and Maroon
What does every rotting fodder in the dark caves carry with them? Answer: A spade
What is Diego's full name? Answer: Diego Santiago Quariquez Ramirez the Third
What is something that the gobblers are NOT stockpiling in Colossus Way? Answer: Broccoli
What is the gemstone for Balance? Answer: Citrine
What is the name of the bridge in front of the Cave to Nightside? Answer: Rainbow Bridge
What is the name of the grandfather tree? Answer: Bartleby
What is the name of the Ice Tree in Ravenwood? Answer: Kelvin
What is the name of the school newspaper? Boris Tallstaff knows... Answer: Ravenwood Bulletin
What school does Malorn Ashthorn think is the best? Answer: Death
What school is all about Creativity? Answer: Storm
Where is Sabrina Greenstar? Answer: Fairegrounds
Who is the fire school professor? Answer: Dalia Falmea
Who is the Princess of the Seraphs? Answer: Lady Oriel
Who is the Wizard City mill foreman? Answer: Sohomer Sunblade
Who resides in the Hedge Maze? Answer: Lady Oriel
Who sang the Dragons, Titans and Giants into existance? Answer: Bartleby
Who taught Life Magic before Moolinda Wu? Answer: Sylvia Drake

Wizard101 Zafaria Trivia:
Baobab is governed by: Answer: A Council of three councilors.
Belloq is first found in: Answer: The Sook
Esop Thornpaw gives you a magic: Answer: Djembe Drum
Inyanga calls Umlio a: Answer: Fire feather
Jambo means: Answer: Hello.
Koyate Ghostmane accuses the player of: Answer: Being a thief
Rasik Pridefall is: Answer: An Olyphant from Stone Town.
Sir Reginal Baxby's cousin is: Answer: Mondli Greenhoof
The Fire Lion Ravagers are led by: Answer: Nergal the Burned Lion
The Inzinzebu Bandits are harassing the good merchants in: Answer: Baobab Market
Umlilo Sunchaser hired who as a local guide? Answer: Msizi Redband
Unathi Nightrunner is: Answer: A councilor of Baobab.
Vir Goodheart is an assistant to: Answer: Rasik Pridefall
What does Lethu Blunthoof says about Ghostmanes? Answer: You never can tell with them!
Who are Hannibal Onetusk's brother and co-pilot? Answer: Mago and Sobaka
Who is not one of the Zebu Kings: Answer: Zaffe Zoffer
Who is the missing prince? Answer: Tiziri Silvertusk
Zamunda's great assassin is known as: Answer: Karl the Jackal
Zebu Blackstripes legendary blade was called: Answer: The Sword of the Duelist
Zebu Blackstripes legendary blade was forged: Answer: In the halls of Valencia


  1. Mildred Farseer teaches you what kind of spell? Answer: Cannot be Minions

    Answer is Dispels

  2. Question under Wizard101 Spellbinding Trivia:

    Who grants the first Shadow Magic spell? Answer: Sophia DarkSide Correct!

  3. 6. What is Mindy’s last name (she’s on Colossus Blvd)?
    Answer: Pixiecrown Correct!

  4. Who sang the Dragons, Titans and Giants into existance? Answer: Bartleby Correct!

  5. Which of these are not a lore spell? Answer: Fire Dragon

  6. Who sang the Dragons, Titans and Giants into existance? Answer: Bartleby

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. What is the title of the book that is floating around the Wizard City Library? Answer: Basic Wizarding & Proper Care of Familiars

  9. Mildred Farseer teaches you what kind of spell? Answer: Dispels

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. How many worlds of The Spiral are unlocked as of May 21st, 2014? Answer: 12 Correct!

  12. Who sang the Dragons, Tritons and Giants into existance?
    Answer: Bartleby

  13. What is the name of the bridge in front of the Cave to Nightside? Rainbow Bridge

  14. Who is in the top level of the Tower of the Helephant? Answer: Lyon Lorestriker

  15. Who composed Carmen: Les Toreadors? Answer: Georges Bizet

  16. Who composed Bolero? Answer: Maurice Ravel
    Who composed In the Hall of the Mountain King? Answer: Edvard Grieg
    Who composed The Blue Danube? Answer: Johann Strauss II
    Who composed Orpheus in the Underworld? Answer: Jacques Offenbach
    Who composed Fur Elise? Beethoven

  17. What school is the Gurtok Demon focused on? The answer is Balance not Death

  18. Thaddeus Price is the Pigswick Academy Professor of what school? The answer is Tempest not water
